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RWANDA - ZIMBABWE : First Ladies Kagame and Mnangagwa in bilateral interface on charity .

First Lady of Rwanda Mrs Jeannette Kagame welcomes First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa at her office in Kigali where the two exchanged notes on their philanthropic works among other issues. By Tendai Rupapa.

First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa, who is in Rwanda for the Third Kigali International Dialogue, was on Tuesday invited for a sisterly discussion by her Rwandan counterpart Mrs Jeannette Kagame where they shared notes on a wide range of issues, including their charity work and women empowerment efforts.

Dr Mnangagwa took the opportunity to formally invite her counterpart to a conference in Zimbabwe on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in December.

The two First Ladies usually meet under various programmes of the Organisation of African First Ladies for Development (OAFLAD).

Dr Mnangagwa runs Angel of Hope Foundation which she formed in 2018 while Mrs Kagame runs Imbuto Foundation formed in 2001

First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa and First Lady of Rwanda Mrs Jeannette Kagame during their meeting in Kigali where the two exchanged notes on their philanthropic works among other issues.

Mrs Kagame personifies an active, relentless and passionate devotion to uplifting the lives of vulnerable populations in Rwanda, particularly widows and orphans the same way Dr Mnangagwa does in Zimbabwe.

After Mrs Kagame gave a rundown of her foundation and her charity work, in return Amai Mnangagwa also spoke about her Angel of Hope Foundation and the various programmes she is undertaking to improve the lives of vulnerable groups in Zimbabbwe.

They shared notes and learnt a lot from each other.

Dr Mnangagwa described her meeting with Mrs Kagame as having been cordial and fruitful.

« We had a one-on-one discussion and got closer than before. We spoke and shared on the many years she has spent doing her charity programmes and we strengthened each other.

« I invited her to come for the ICASA conference that we have in December for the First Ladies to come and get training from experts in the health sector on Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). She has accepted my invitation, » she said.

First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa and First Lady of Rwanda Mrs Jeannette Kagame during their meeting in Kigali where the two exchanged notes on their philanthropic works among other issues.

Amai Mnangagwa said she proposed the need for a cultural exchange programme between Zimbabwe and other African countries, including Rwanda, in the face of intermarriages and the need to keep the marriages intact and this was accepted by her hostess and counterpart.
« I also mentioned to her the cultural exchange programme where I proposed that we need to have this cultural exchange programme between the two countries for the betterment of our children who are now intermarrying and to preserve those marriages.

« They have to know where they are going and what is expected of them to. She has also accepted that and we will work out on the dates, » Dr Mnangagwa said cheerful

It is an organisation formed by Mrs Kagame which works with the wives of ministers and female ministers to champion different needs of society.

The women expressed the work they were doing and shared best practices with the First Lady.

They applauded Amai Mnangagwa for her tireless efforts in empowering women and the girl child.

The Unity Club brings people together from various backgrounds despite the many atrocities that have been committed in that country and unifying the country is a huge task for them.

They feel they must work together in spite of their diverse ethnic backgrounds or the past mistakes of their forefathers.

Auteur: MANZI

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