L'Afrique que on veut


The Rwandan Community in Liberia, in collaboration with the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, here commemorates the 1994 Rwandan genocide. During the program, United Nations Resident Coordinator Liberia Amb. Christine Umutoni says in 1994, and for the nearly 100 days that followed, one million Tutsi children, women, and men were killed by their fellow Rwandans. She added that families turned against families, friends became foes, and a dark spirit of intentional and brutal violence engulfed a nation. By Naneka A. Hoffman

The United Nations Resident Coordinator said, “We will never forget the victims of this genocide. Nor will we ever forget the bravery and resilience of those who survived, whose courage and willingness to forgive remain light and hope amidst this dark chapter in human history.”

She stated that this year reminds everyone of genocide’s rancid root, hate that can draw a straight line between the senseless slaughter of one million Tutsi – as well as some Hutu and others who opposed the genocide and the decades of hate speech that preceded it, enflamed by ethnic tensions and the long shadow of colonialism.

However, she explained that today, around the world, the darkest impulses of humanity are being awakened once more by the voices of extremism, division, and hate. She noted that to those who would seek to divide us, we must deliver a clear, unequivocal, and urgent message : never again.

Mrs. Umutoni mentioned that on this solemn day of remembrance, let’s pledge to stand as one against all forms of hatred and discrimination.

“Let’s ensure that the acts that began on April 7, 1994, are never forgotten- and never repeated. Anywhere.”

Speaking on behalf of Vice President Jeremiah Koung, Deputy Minister for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Monrovia, Ibrahim Nyei, said Liberia and Rwanda have maintained good diploma relations over the decade.

He added that this is being strengthened by growing people-to-people relationships that continue to foster cultural ties between both nations.

Mr. Nyei explained that there is a large Liberian community of students, almost around 2000 to 3,000, and professionals studying in various fields in Rwanda.

According to him, there’s a great Rwanda community in Liberia of individuals with various fortunes of life contributing to social and economic development.

However, he explained that this strengthening of people exchange continues to draw the two nations together in various forms of partnership despite the variance in the geographical landscape separating both countries physically.

The Commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda started with a parade before the Ministerial Complex in Congo Town and ended with an indoor program on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, in the Conference Hall of the Complex under the theme : KWIBUKA 30 REMEMBER, UNITE, RENEW.

The UN Resident Coordinator graced the program to Liberia Amb. Christine Umutomi, Representative of the Government of Rwanda, Ms. Clementine Mukeka, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Coordination of Rwanda, Representative of the Liberian government, Ibrahim Nyei, among others. Editing by Jonathan Browne

Auteur: MANZI

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